Last minute Valentine’s Day gift ideas he or she will love! (when you just started dating)

It’s February 13th and you haven’t bought anything for that special someone!? Well, here are a few things that anyone would love!


Heated Blanket because everyone loves blankets and heat makes everything more cozy in the winter months. Perfect combo!


Uber gift card because even people with a car uber sometimes and it isn’t always cheap.


Your favorite book because sharing your favorite piece of writing may reveal that you two have more in common than you think and make for great dinner conversation.




You can’t go wrong with a beautiful dinner when you’re just starting out (unless of course you are dating an extremely picky and needy person and in that case good luck) so pick a place you’ve both never been with a menu that you can both enjoy. This is a great gift in itself because Valentine’s Day is most importantly about spending time with the one you love (or like a lot! :).


Happy Valentine’s Day!

XOXO Natalia

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